
My original idea was to create a trailer of a serial killer. This person would go around murdering people who owned big corporations which exploited their workers. These organisations deliberately refused to pay their employees enough to make a decent living wage. The killer targetted those greedy business owners, forcing them to transfer their money back to the workers before murdering them. The serial killer by definition is a bad person who feels it is their moral obligation to rid what they describe as corporate parasites. The greedy business owners although corrupt feel that their actions help produce jobs. So the story was never about good vs evil since both sides were flawed.

However, through the making of the trailer and doing the research, I thought it would be more productive if I changed my idea from a serial killer to an anarchist. Anarchy is the absence of government giving absolute freedom to citizens. An anarchist believes by creating anarchy gives citizens the freedom to recreate a new and improved establishment. Instead of a serial killer robbing and murdering exploitative business owners, my main protagonist would be an anarchist who is fed up with how the government is being run and murders them instead to incite change.