
I decided to create a trailer using the following programmes/software; Adobe Premiere – to edit the video, Adobe Animate- for the 2D animations, Adobe Audition – in order for me to edit the sound recordings and music, Garageband – to make the two songs and Photoshop – editing software that was used to enhance the images and give the look of the artist chosen. Each used to help create the trailer.

The main point of my trailer was to look at seeing if I could convey my story from an anarchist perspective. It had changed from the original idea I had from a vigilante serial killer because as I did some research, I thought it would be best suited that my story had more of a political theme. The concept of a person killing rich people who are corrupt started to mirror the movies I had watched. From this perspective, it strengthens the story and made my character become a realistic component in a class war.

For my original idea, I researched serial killers. This was purely on the basis that I understood fully the extent of what the killer would have to go through prior to the murders, and the psychology of it all. Some of the things I researched was to do with my original idea.

When it came to making my video, however, I found that I was lacking in several key things. Firstly I should have done more research regarding the art of making a trailer. Although I am pleased with the overall outcome, I do recognise it could have been better. This was because I did not do the proper preproduction nor did I give myself enough time to learn how to use Premiere Pro properly. When making the trailer I wanted to show random shots of London and the differences between poor parts and the more affluent areas. I repeated the animation of my character walking to say that no matter where you go we do not all live in the same type of area. As the trailer continued my voice echoed the sentiments of the anarchist.

When making the trailer I wanted to show random shots of London and the differences between poor parts and the more affluent areas. I repeated the animation of my character walking to say that no matter where you go we do not all live in the same type of area. As the trailer continued my voice echoed the sentiments of the anarchist. I then wanted to give it more of a horror theme with the sheers reaching towards the person who symbolised the corrupt businessmen followed by a scream and blood. My final animation of a hooded character in the street is the image I get when I close my eyes and think of an anarchist. I desired for this image to be symbolic and felt that because it had no race, sex or age it could represent anyone and everyone.

The poem I made was from the anarchist point of view. I felt that the original idea I had of the music along with the visuals would be powerful enough to make the viewer understand the point I was trying to get across. However, the lack of understanding from my audience led for me to write a poem. The first poem was more political compared to the images taken, which is why I decided to change the poem to be more relevant. The second poem I wrote was more symbolic and had elements of repetition to emphasise the points raised for example “I walk these streets”.

My character is clearly someone that sees themselves as part of the working class. They feel misrepresented and exploited. In the poem, it is a monologue of the characters thoughts on their value in a society that does not value ones of their status. So to get rid of the ones that run things can help deteriorate those views on who is better than whom. By taking down the government they feel it is their only way of helping the majority.

I chose to do a 2D animation I felt more comfortable doing it as I have more experience doing it than making a 3D model on Maya. From the short animated clips that I made I found that it was lacking in length. The walking animation took too long mainly because was done frame by frame. The reason it had to be done frame by frame was that it had no clear body movements if it were to be done purely by using the bone tool to move the characters leg movement. So from the position, it was in, it would have been too awkward to make it appear like it was walking ahead from the angle it was in. This lead for me to spend more time focusing on the walking rather than any of the other animations. I think because of this the other animations were not as detailed. I had difficulty after I had drawn the characters face as the Police officers uniform and the head never seemed to be at the right angle or size compared to each other.

The absence of audio in the original plan was very hard for the viewers to understand the video without dialogue or text, even though it was meant to make people think. The sound of the character walking, leading up to the point where they leave the dead body in an obvious place where people can see. I wanted the last scene to be seeing the dead person with a sign stating the reason why they were killed. I wanted it to say how this wealthy businessman stole and ruined the lives of the ones they stole from was clearly too hard to understand without any dialogue. The point was made to make you think, to understand the reason the killer felt they had to die.

I added a dissolve effect to the blood scene and merged it with the walking sequence in order to make the transition more efficient therefore making it effective. However, if I had written the poem before I had compiled the images together whilst editing, then maybe I would have had a few more pictures that the viewer felt were relevant. I realise now that I should have taken more pictures distinguishing the poor and the rich. The images that I have were expressing that the anarchist living conditions were not in an affluent area, whereas the others symbolised wealth. The streets that they

From the recording, I asked them to take short breaks and pauses in order to give it more of a dramatic effect. I found that I could cut sections from the poem recordings, anything too long that was not estimated correctly whilst editing in Audition, in Premiere Pro.