
Possible plot

The Police investigate someone that is attacking and stealing from the rich and it is up to the police officer, to figure out why and bring justice. There was a curse (a virus was more believable to the police). The “Virus” affected the rich and was thought to cleanse the earth from all by all the poorer people in the land. Since I am still unsure of what to do, I decided to reach out to find inspiration in various social media, TV and Films. So, I decided to look at things that I enjoy doing and how that can be part of my FMP. I started off at looking at games that I like playing, which are life simulation games, such as the Sims and Animal Crossing. How these life simulation games are advertised and how the style of these characters affect how they move.


I was going over what visuals I would add into the trailer similar to that of a James Bond intro. Factors I thought of that could possibly be in my Animated part of the trailer is Visuals of Virus – The virus being a metaphor for the thoughts of corruption they put in your head. I wanted to talk about how we see lower working class and how they cheat the system more than those businessmen that avoid paying their taxes. This unjust system serves them more than they people they do wrong to. I also considered adding blood – the gory moments that are more fantasy.

screenshotHaving a better understanding of the style that would suit this genre best. I have somewhat of an idea what style I would like to use to set the tone throughout the project. I am aware that it’s still early on so this style may change after some more research this is still an idea that can be developed along the way. Sketching it out I’ve noticed that I used rough and messy strokes from the pencil to give it a more unfinished appeal (since it would be like the system, be like how messy and unjust our world is which is what I would like to my audience to experience. An incomplete mess of an image that despite the changes in detail still is not perfect, as is our world.


Artist Practical Work

Artist 1 – Simone Massi

This is an image of the artists work that I took inspiration from. When looking at the images, they appear to be scrapped out of a painted black canvas. I really like this style because it is a rough kind of style that I really like.

Below are my sketch and paint work that I believe were somewhat successful. I managed to do the outline of the face when I did the sketch. Using that technique I tried it again on a different surface, in order to make it easier to scrap off. On the smooth surface, I did the outline again which I then filled in with paint. from there I scraped off what I could without ruining the image to an unrecognisable.

My skills development 

still frame of walking -rough-

Creating the walk

Seeing as I am going to create the walking in different angles I started off with the forming planning the walk sequence was achieved by doing each and every frame hand drawn frame by frame. Seeing as I am going to create the walking scene from different angles, I started off with the incomplete practice animation frame by frame. This was created on the 21-03-2017 using Adobe Animate.



The eye drawn here was for me to think about how I would show the life draining from the eye of those being killed. I would do this by making the colour drawn into the centre on the pupil as if it were a drain, while the rest of it turns into a pale green. This would symbolise their death. How as their soul is removed from their body so did their money based life that was being removed from their bank account.

Red band trailer development

21st March 2017


One of the drawings I did that showed a lifeless body.

I was having problems with finding the right position for the body to hang off the side in the Red Band Trailer. My solution was to look at different games where they have gory scenes of people or creatures with human-like features. I was able to find a game with a flung lifeless corpses on a stick.



I also looked at games like Dead Island 2, Left 4 Dead and House of the Dead: Overkill which had zombies. Their body movements ranged from slow and twisted, to fast and ravenous.

Photoshopped images

Here I made sure that the images had a similar style to my Simone Massi. What I mean by that is the sort of scrapped look from using either Graphic Pen filter or the combination of Glowing Edges and on top of that Charcoal filter on Photoshop. I am happy with how it turned out as it has the sketched look that I like as well as the scrapped off, messy look I was going for.

Poems I wrote

I wrote the poem for my trailer because I had to add dialogue to my trailer. Originally I thought that it would be best for my viewers to have only the sound of walking and the music faintly just so my audience can concentrate on what is going on. However, when I went over what that plan, describing it to my peers they found it slow and confusing as to what was really going on. That is when I began to write the poem. I felt this was best way artistically express what is going on, as well as discussing the motives of my character.

The injustice in our system is favouring the wealthy
Those who struggle to pay their bills are wiped clean from any peripheral vision
Instead, we see the rich getting richer
They blame us for not working hard enough on achieving that goal
Instead of getting angry, we thrive to live their gold painted world Instead, they surround us with cheap thrills and make us turn on each other
Every man for himself style, leaving us to crawl on top of one another
Those that take the easy route are injected into our heads as benefit scammers, stealing from the hard working
But what about the rich not bothering to pay their taxes
Lower income families are struggling to do what’s right, only to be left worse off
It’s sick to see you profit from the poor, Credit leaving in debt draining them more

I decided to write a poem, as long as it is, to give the killer dialogue. So people can understand their feelings and why they thought the way that they did. How they see the rich as the enemy damaging our society and disrupting a once fairer system before greed.


Poem by me 

As I walk these streets I see the poor suffering
As I walk these streets they shame us for being poor
As I walk these streets they suck my spirit to its core
As I walk these streets living becomes doing their chores
As we murder our young and get arrested for fun, our sodomised lives are yet to be spun
Being bashed pillar to post our nihilism has become our host
Am I going crazy with envy or am I just going mad?
It’s obvious now it’s every man for themselves
As I walk these streets I see getting rid of the establishment can help the majority


I wrote this poem after I saw what needed to be done. The first poem was too long for the trailer, at least with this one it felt more relevant to the imagery used. The repetition can be used to help emphasise the points. It is more effective getting my protagonists point of view across.


Test 1

Test 2

Test 3