
Idea assessment

Brief description

A minute long animation on a person that feels that the social classes are divided is exploiting their workers and wants to put a stop to it. As well as the lives of the officers investigating the murders. I will be making it in an abstract style, similar to what every James Bond movie has as an intro.

If the Police continue with the investigation and capture the one that is murdering the people stealing from those that have almost nothing, then they are saying that it is ok for these big corporations to continue what they’re doing.

Name of genre/animation

Killing Me is Killing Them
which was changed to Splattered Blood for Change

Areas of my storyboard I will find easy

Doing a teaser trailer that is very surreal will allow me to add elements of the story in there without giving too much away. It will also give me the chance. Coming up with the ideas and what visuals I’ll use to leave an impression by using key elements that you might find in horror, gory videos,

Areas of my storyboard I will find difficult

Doing a surreal animation that is still interesting and long enough to semi-explain what the story is about. I will struggle with telling the story through a storyboard.

What tutorials will look to develop skills in order to complete the areas I find difficult

Watching the James Bond intros again, as well as the 2D parody version that the animators of American Dad did as an episode. If I put the extra time into my work taking the time to research thoroughly in my target audience. If there are any changes then I should include those changes in my proposal.

Using books I have on animations will help me to find art styles that will give the trailer surreal appeal.


It would be a 2D animated trailer on the social divide and cruel way we as a society do not hesitate to make the lower class fall victim to . where the lower class being taken advantage of by the ones in power. I wanted to discuss current events that I felt needed to be addressed. class causing them

Introducing the competitive salary to pay the working class below minimum wage, leaving more money in their pocket.

Separating the working from the non-workers

It is an exaggerated view on the way the issue is handled

A citizen with homicidal tendencies inflicts their pain of the corrupt system onto the wealthy corporations, whom they feel are stealing from their workers. Police are torn between doing what they are legally obligated to do (stopping a murderer) and helping the killer change the system.


Come up with a list of things I could do. Once I pick the one I feel most comfortable doing after evaluating my skills and realistic time frame, I’ll plan.

What I could do

March 2nd, 2017

Seeing as the thing I want to do in life is to further along my skills as an animator, I could make an animation in the 3D software engine Unity or Maya. I considered the possibility of me creating three different stories and what would be best suited to make them.

Game trailer –
Name: Death Stranding
Brief description
What I liked about it
What I learnt from it
How I will include parts, in my work

Film trailer –
Name: Get Out
Brief description
what I liked about it
what I learnt from it
How I will include parts, in my work

Animation trailer –
Name :
Brief description
what I liked about it
what I learnt from it
How I will include parts, in my work

How I will Make My Questionnaire

March 2017

I will first have to start off with my research on horror game trailers to find out the elements in them that I find achievable.

Before I even hand a questionnaire or form a focus group I will have to ask the following questions; Do you play horror games/watch horror movies? List or have them name a few horror games/movies that they enjoy. This is so that I know if the questions in the survey (or other) actually appeals to them, my animation will be set for a certain demographic. I will need to know what they enjoy about horror in order for my horror animation to interest people. If I created an animation that I wanted but no one else would enjoy, then I would lose out on what could

Comic strips and animators

March 2017

Pie Comic by John McNamee

The Sea Rabbit by

YouTuber called TheOdd1sOut

 Storyboard on the green band trailer


In my storyboard, I explain how the process works. I talk about